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Villa Barchessa Valmarana


The building that catches the attention of visitors as they walk up to the fraction of Valmarana on foot, leaving behind them, to the left, the famous "Casini Valmarana", and continuing along a canal, is made up of two barchesse, or wings. The barchessa on the right is also known as the lodge of Villa Valmarana and was used by the family to host their guests from abroad. The impact on visitors, as they walk up to the imposing portico held up by strong Tuscan columns, is very powerful: at the centre a beautiful carriage is visible that was built back in 1867 in sculpted and engraved wood. On the outer side, in addition to the enormous portico projected towards the river facing the building, special attention must be attached to the Western façade which is also visible from the Brenta when arriving from the direction of Padua: it recalls a set of windows that clearly evoke the renaissance closed in between the corner of the large portico and a mock portico on the opposite side. Above the entrance arch one can see the coat of arms of the Valmarana family. The Southern side had no monumental function, as it could not be seen from the Brenta, and was thus very simple and static with large windows that provided a lot of light to the inner halls. Surrounding the building there is an Italian style garden and an extensive park embellished by over a thousand rose bushes. The tour of the villa includes the rooms facing the portico, all furnished with original furniture from the 1700's. the first frescoed room is called the "Sala dei Capricci", literally the hall of fancy, and is decorated by oval monochromes depicting purple-tinted fantastic views showing a landscape which is the fruit of the artist's fantasy who toys with the imaginary and the real landscape that can be seen from the nearby windows. Going through the door we enter into the Ballroom that is wholly frescoed as was typical according to the taste of the 1700's in the Veneto. The ceiling is dominated by the glorification of the Valmarana family: at the centre one can admire two female figures, one, in red, represents nobility and honour, whereas the other, wearing a white drape, depicts the Valmarana family.
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